Residential Life & Housing

At SNU, 我们相信,作为一名学生,住在校园里对你的成功和旅程很重要,并鼓励所有本科生成为我们住宿社区的一部分. 我们确信校园生活对学生的发展有很大的贡献,因为在高校进行的全国性研究表明,住在校园里的学生享受更积极、更有益的大学经历.

Students who live on campus tend to be more involved, develop better study habits, have more contact with faculty and staff, and achieve higher grades. 首尔大学致力于通过提供一个社区来促进你在课堂之外的发展,在这个社区里,你可以通过与其他学生的互动和住宿工作人员的支持来成长和学习.

住宿生活利用创造性的项目和活动来帮助你充分发挥你的潜力. Each of our residential living areas has a Resident Director (RD), a full-time staff person, who lives and works in the building, providing support spiritually, socially, and academically throughout the year. 我们也有一个忠诚的学生住宿顾问团队,他们在大厅居住和工作,帮助创建我们强大而有凝聚力的社区.

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  • Housing Contract

    Click the link below for the 2023-2024 housing contract.

    Have additional questions? Email,或在位于韦伯斯特公共空间低层的学生生活办公室停下来.

  • Housing FAQs

    What do I need to do in order to secure a room for the FALL?
    1. Complete and return your Roommate profile.
    2. Pay your $150 registration deposit.
    3. 确保你未来的室友,如果你已经选择了自己的室友,已经完成了个人资料和
    paid the deposit.
    4. 确保你请求的室友也请求过你,并在表格中注明这一点
    both of your roommate profiles.

    When will I know my Room Assignment and Roommate?
    which your roommate profile and $150 registration deposit are received.

    Can I switch roommates?
    and communicated. Within the first 2 weeks of school, each suite or roommate pair will
    complete a covenant to be proactive about any potential concerns. Residence Life Staff will

    When can I move in?
    before residents are able to move in. Residence Halls will open at 8:00 am on the Friday of NSI.
    Who is responsible for cleaning my room?
    and/or apartments. Students will sign up for responsibilities each month and Resident Advisors
    will do cleaning rounds every other week. Students may check out a vacuum cleaner from their

    Are my personal belongings insured?
    -学校不对学生个人财产的任何盗窃、丢失或损坏负责. It is
    What are the residence hall policies?
    Website ( The handbook provides specific information regarding
    student services and university policies. All students will also sign a Lifestyle Covenant and will
    arrival to review all expectations in the residence hall and on campus. Please note that we only
    or younger.

    Roommate Profile and Registration Deposit received:
    Before May 31
    You will be notified by mail at your home address:
    the First week of June

    Roommate Profile and Registration Deposit received:
    Before June 30
    You will be notified by mail at your home address:
    First week of July

    Roommate Profile and Registration Deposit received:
    Before July 31
    You will be notified by mail at your home address:
    First week of August

    Roommate Profile and Registration Deposit received:
    After August 1 You will NOT be notified by mail and will receive your housing
    information when you arrive on campus for New Student Institute.

    How does the drawing to be placed in the A.M. Hills Residence Hall work

    -室友简介+ 5月第一周完成的注册押金=资格
    – All eligible individuals are placed in a random number drawing. If they have signed up with a
    roommate and the roommate is drawn, they are automatically placed in Hills. Those that have
    has an equal opportunity to be drawn.
    – If a student does not have a preference they are included in the Hills drawing.

    How does the room placement process work?
    students to take advantage of the 12-month payment plan. We know this is a great benefit to
    conferences/camps and summer housing students.
    - 6月的第一周,根据居住区域收集室友资料并进行分类
    preference and roommate profile details. Incoming students are then placed in suites and
    hallways and letters are sent out to those that have been placed.

    How will I be notified of my housing placement?
    application for admission. The email will include your residence hall, room number, roommate
    contact information.

    Is NSI (New Student Institute) required?
    and under. 为了充分投入,学生们需要在这段时间内清空他们的时间表
    and participate. You will receive information about NSI from the Office of Student
    Development at (405)-491-6336.

    What furniture is provided in the Residence Hall?
    – Each room in Bracken, Hills and Snowbarger is furnished with a bed, dresser, desk and desk chair for each resident.
    – The living rooms in the Hills suites have a couch, loveseat, dining room table and chairs, 3个立方体(用于咖啡桌或边桌)和一个全尺寸的冰箱.

    – 1 small (3.3 cu.ft.) refrigerator allowed in room.
    – Full kitchen in lobby.
    – No microwaves allowed in individual rooms but there are a few in common areas.

    – 1 Large refrigerator is provided in suite.
    – No individual refrigerators allowed (except in private room).
    – Full kitchen in the building
    – 1 microwave and 1 George Foreman allowed per SUITE!

    – 1 small (3.3 cu.ft.) refrigerator allowed in each room.
    – No microwaves allowed in individual rooms but one is provided for each hallway.

    – 1 large refrigerator is provided in each apartment kitchen
    – 1 microwave allowed in each apartment kitchen.

  • Life Together Covenant

    最新版本的首尔大学共同生活契约可在下面查看或下载. All students are expected to read, understand, sign, and abide by the Covenant while they are a part of the SNU Community.

    Life Together Covenant

  • Move-in Times

    New student move-in days and times 

    • 8月17日-上午8:00 -下午2:00 -新生参加新生学院
    • August 19 – 5:00 pm -11:00 pm – Returning Students may begin moving in

    SNU Dining opens for all students August 19th
    August 21 – CLASSES BEGIN

  • Packing List

  • Residence Halls

    A.M. Hills Residential Complex: Residence Hall for men and women (freshman through seniors). 非新生套房通过符合条件的申请人抽签分配(基于积分制)。.

    Bracken HallBracken Hall是新生女生宿舍,坐落在校园的中心.

    Chapman Apartments查普曼公寓为大约96名高年级男女学生提供住房.

    Snowbarger Hall: Residence Hall open to men (freshmen – senior) located near the Webster Commons.

    Click Here for the 2024-2025 Residence Hall Pricing information

    Campus Dining Info

    Meal Plans

    Have additional questions? Email,或者去位于韦伯斯特公共图书馆下层的学生生活办公室.

  • Student Handbook

    Please click here for the current student handbook.

    这份学生手册的电子版是为了方便学生而准备的.  We make every effort to ensure that the most updated edition is available.  However, if a question arises, 首尔大学学生手册的正式副本在学生生活办公室.

Residence Life Staff

katy bradley headshot
Katy Bradley, Dean of Students,

emma riggs headshot
Emma Riggs, Housing Coordinator,
austin shoenfeld headshot
Austin Schoenfeldt, Resident Director
Snowbarger Residence Hall,
sierra smith headshot
Sierra White, Resident Director 
A.M. Hills Residence Hall,

riley smith headshot
Riley Smith, Residence Life Graduate Assistant
A.M. Hills Residence Hall,
angie milford headshot
Angie Milford, Resident Director
Bracken Residence Hall,

Ready to Apply?

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Ready to Apply?

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